May 3, 2011

life is crazy

we have a real estate agent coming on Saturday to see the house and there's still a lot to do to get it ready just for her. that said, blogging is taking a back seat. but i found this quote yesterday and just have to post it.

To sum it all up, if you want to write, if you want to create, you must be the most sublime fool that God ever turned out and sent rambling. - Ray Bradbury

yep, that's me.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Good luck Saturday!

Theresa Milstein said...

I'll miss your posts and visits. Good luck!

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

I like the combination of "sublime" and "fool" - what a great quote! Oh, and we're doing the house thing too...

Sarah McCabe said...

That's a fantastic quote. If I'd read that before creating my blog I might have called it "The Sublime Fool".

Unknown said...

Good luck with the house thing. Love the quote. How true it is.

N4M3L3SS said...

+1 follower from blog hop, cool blog

Sammie Spencer said...

What an adorable quote! Very true, too! lol

Michelle Gregory said...

thanks for all the well-wishes.

Sarah Allen said...

Haha, so true :) Best of luck with everything!

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

K.C. Woolf said...

Ooh, the move's coming closer! Good luck. :-)

'The most sublime fool' - I like that.