March 8, 2010

Inkygirl on wordcount

WWFC Mimi Wordcount Challenge
ok, fess up. how many of you count blog posts or facebook updates or Tweets as part of your daily writing wordcount?

(you can find more of Debbie's cartoons at Inkygirl and Will Write for Chocolate)


Abby Annis said...

Too funny! No, I don't count my social networking toward my word count goal. If I did, I'd reach it every day and my novel would never get any longer. :)

Unknown said...

That's hilarious!!! I can say the thought has never crossed my mind to include my social networking count, heck I don't even count the snippets that I put in my email for my current WIP as part of my word count. Only the pieces that make it in the same word document flowing (as good as they can for a rough draft) the thought cracks me up!

KM Wilsher said...

funny. I don't count my blog or fb, but I will write for chocolate :0)