April 30, 2014

February does it again :)

it seems like my friend February Grace "graced us" with her presence here just yesterday when she posted for the IWSG Wednesday about keeping your dreams alive, and her book Of Stardust.  in truth, it was way back in November. my how time flies (and how few posts i put up).

today she's announced that her sequel to Of Stardust is now available from Amazon and various e-distributors. to find out more about In Starlight, visit her blog.  she's posted links, and the entire second chapter.

kudos to Bru for keeping her writing dreams alive. i wish her all the best with her new release, and look forward to reading it soon.

1 comment:

February Grace said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful post, Michelle! You are a gem. xoxoxo ~bru