October 7, 2009

murphy's law for writers

never tape down the post it notes on your story timeline. as much as you think those plot points are permanent, they're not. as soon as you tape them down, the plot will inevitably change.

never post your word count on your blog or facebook, or the plot will change and your word count will go up and down. it will probably drive FB and blogging friends crazy. they'll wonder if you've lost your mind. (although, if they're writers, they'll understand.)

all that to say: it happened again.

i got stuck on a story point. how was i going to move from point E to point F (or whatever)? i stewed over it. i avoided it. i read 3 Debbie Macomber double romances. i started writing a short story just so my mind could play.
today i finally chatted with my writing partner/encourager. after 2 brainstorming sessions, i have a plot points that make more sense now. but that means i have to plug in new things again and delete some old things.

it also means outlining and taking down some of those post-it notes and adding new ones. it also means erasing events from the story calendar or just plain starting over on the story calendar.

of course, i can avoid the whole thing by blogging about it.

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