March 6, 2011

read Eldala for free

so maybe you've read my posts about Eldala, or you've visited my Eldala blog and read the first six chapters. maybe the story sounds intriguing. maybe you've toyed with the idea of buying it, but decided you weren't ready to commit your money to an unknown author.

i understand. i've thought the same thing about books by authors i've met through blogging. what if i download their book and don't like it? even at $5.99 or less, i don't want to waste my money.

here's your opportunity to take a chance on me for free.

during "Read an E-book week," you can click here and download Eldala for free. all you have to do is enter the coupon code listed on my novel's Smashwords page at checkout. you can get it in just about every digital form possible from Kobo to  Kindle to .rtf and .doc, and everything in between.

once you get there, you might want to peruse the other titles. i know that Lisa Yarde's historical novel On Falcon's Wings is free this week. so is Kristie Cook's paranormal romance Promise. her sequel Purpose is 50% off.

if those don't catch your fancy, i saw 1143 pages of free or discounted books there. you could discover a new author and want more.

at those prices, what have you go to lose?


Anonymous said...

I downloaded a sample a few weeks ago, Michelle, and I just read it. The writing is EXCELLENT. This is the first thing I look for--lean compelling prose. If there are too many adverbs and other what I call "dippy" tags I get annoyed. I find none of this in the sample. Based on this, I would pay four or five dollars for such a book from an unknown author. Only this month I'm broke, so I'll happily use your coupon and write a review when I finish the book!! Thank you so much!!!

Unknown said...

Oh great, thank you for the hint. Will do straight away.
Nahno ∗ McLein

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Still need to check the iBookstore! Oh, and Yvonne posted the Journey Badge today.

dolorah said...

Is that this week? I'm writing the Eldala review now (well, blogging at this second but . .) and I want to put this link in the review.

Tuesday, it should go up.

You want to see it first?


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

These are great offers. Thanks for the links.

Glynis Peters said...

Thank you for your generous offer.

This is not a genre I would normally read, so I am looking forward to reading something new for me. Again, thank you. It will be a few weeks before I get around to reading it, but I will write a review when I have.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I tried to follow you, but my browser is not letting me at the moment.

I picked up a copy of your book as well and will be sure to post reviews in all my normal places when I get it done.