January 23, 2011

"You've Come a Long Way, Baby" blogfest

my lovely and talented blogging/writing friend-encourager Christine Hardy will be celebrating her blog's 4th anniversary. wow. i've known her that long. i can't believe it. congratulations, Christine, for staying with it that long.

as Christine says in her post:

So, to celebrate my 4th anniversary, I am announcing the "You've Come A Long Way, Baby, Contest/Blogfest." Here's how it works, kind of the standard contest thing:

1. Post in the comments that you want to participate in the contest, and become a follower. That's easy, right?
2. Sign up in the Mr. Linky thingy if you want to also participate in the blogfest.

You get:
+1 entry for being a follower by Saturday, Feb. 5th.
+1 for promoting the contest on your blog
+1 each for tweeting or posting on FB
+2 entries if you put up a sample of your own early-in-my-learning-process, sort-of-awful-but-I-don't-mind-embarassing-myself writing.
+1 more for a rewrite of it, showing your improved skills.

to sign up, click the picture at the top of this post. you can also grab the code if you want to help her promote the contest.

and here's a list of the prizes she's offering. Anniversary Prizes

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