November 29, 2009

random filler between interviews

little bits of this and that...

җ i just saw on my Feedjit map that i had a visitor from Estonia. i think that's cool.

җ my Christmas list includes books (no surprise there). the three books on the top of my list are Mary Connealy's newest -- The Husband Tree (sequel to Montana Rose), and two books by James Scott Bell -- The Art of War for Writers: Fiction Writing Strategies, Tactics, and Exercises; and Revision and Self-Editing.

җ although i love J. S. Bell's book on plot, i've never read any of his fiction. my mother leant me a book called A Greater Glory and asked if i'd heard of the author. it was James Scott Bell. i had to laugh. i'm going to read it over the next few days.

җ i don't read books. i consume them. i forget everything else and just lose myself in the story. i can go through an easy novel in half a day and a more complex novel in two days. i read through the Twilight books in 6 days. i'm always sad when i get to the end of any book. i should probably slow down, but i don't.

җ the Pillsbury cinammon rolls i just frosted are making my mouth water.

җ i was born on Christmas. giving people gifts on your birthday has always been a little strange, but i like giving gifts.

җ my son and i are writing a Star Wars story that includes a Wookiee, so i had to look up Shyriiwook (the Wookiee language) on the Star Wars wiki. i also found a Wookiee translator. that was fun.

җ i've probably mentioned this already, but the Star Wars wiki is called Wookieepedia. when i talk about the regular online wiki, i call it Wookieepedia instead of Wikipedia. oops.

җ this same son can sound like a Wookiee. he's really good at it.

җ the symbol i used as a bullet point is the Cyrillic small letter zhe. i just think it looks like a funny X.

җ trying to read anything in Cyrillic makes my head hurt. i had a lot of headaches in Russia because my brain kept trying to make sense of the letters, many of which look like English letters, but aren't pronounced like English letters. the city we went to was Voronezh, but in Russian (Cyrillic) it looks like BOPOHEҖ.

1 comment:

Ladywillowgrey Ancalimon said...

I am the EXACT same way with books! You know how thick the Nancy Drew books are? I can read one in, like, a halve an hour or less. I did not know you where born on Christmas!!! Cool! Happy early birthday! lol Me and Chloe want to read your Star Wars story when you are done! I will have to look up the Wookie translator . ^-^

Auberne Ancalmon @-`---